Aptitude tests are crucial tools used by employers, educational institutions, and recruiters to assess a candidate’s skills and potential. Whether you’re preparing for a job interview, applying for a school, or aiming for a promotion, understanding the types of aptitude tests and mastering effective strategies can give you a significant advantage. This blog post will provide you with a concise overview of aptitude tests, tips for preparation, and strategies to pass your test.
The following Aptitude test questions will prepare you for the upcoming promotion exams
1. Which sustainable Development Goal is directly related to Education?
Answer: The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) directly related to education is SDG 4. It aims to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
2. What does the sustainable Development Goal that directly relates to Education State?
Answer: It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
3. The Computerized School Selection Placement System (CSSPS) seeks to improve the manual system of selection and placement of qualified Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates into public and private senior high schools, technical and vocational institutes by:
ANSWER: Ghana Education Service.
4. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 28th September as:
ANSWER: International Day of Universal Access in the celebration of the role of freedom of expression.
5. The primary role of mentoring teacher in the school of the pre-service teacher is most appropriately described as:
ANSWER: Induction of the pre-service teacher.
6. The rationale of educational planning in our education system is:
ANSWER: To enhance efficiency in the educational system.
7. The basic purpose for institutional supervision is for:
ANSWER: To provide objective feedback to teachers to diagnose and solve teaching problems.
8. When the school head directs an investigation into suspected fraud, the only authorities to impose sanctions are:
ANSWER: Ghana Education Service Disciplinary Committee.
9. The method of obtaining information to judge the worth of a curriculum while it is being implemented is known as:
ANSWER: Curriculum Evaluation.
10. The ability of a student to use an appropriate rule or principle to help him/her solve a problem without being promoted is specified in the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy as:
ANSWER: Knowledge, Comprehension, Synthesis, Application, and Evaluation.
11. The type of assessment which is used to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses for correction and remediation is known as:
ANSWER: Diagnostic Assessment.
12. In the chain of command of the GES headquarters, the Director General is the Chief Executive accountable to the:
ANSWER: Ministry of Education.
13. What is the core function of the National Inspectorate Board?
ANSWER: To undertake the inspection of schools, to evaluate on a periodic basis first and second cycle institutions.
14. It is important for teachers to know the code of conduct because:
ANSWER: It upholds the honor and dignity of the teaching profession.
15. Global citizenship education is a form that involves students’ active participation in projects that address global issues of social, political, and economic development.
ANSWER: Global awareness.
16. The scheme of service of teachers refers to the:
ANSWER: Specific duties, qualifications, competencies, skills, and experience required.
17. Which of the following persons chairs the Ghana Education Service (GES) Council?
ANSWER: Mr. Michael Nsowah.
18. Formal education in the public school system in Ghana begins at the age of:
ANSWER: 6 years.
19. Which of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) relates to education?
20. Which of the following structures is the highest decision-making body at the Senior High School (SHS) level?
ANSWER: Board of Governors.
21. The best way to monitor the performance of teachers is through:
ANSWER: Principal evaluation.
22. Which body within the Ghanaian Education system has the overall responsibility for education sector policy formulation, planning, monitoring, evaluation, budgeting, and coordinating?
ANSWER: Ministry of Education.
23. In which month of 2020 was the maiden edition of the Ghana Education Service Newsletter, GES TODAY, released?
ANSWER: 28th May 2020.
24. Which one of the following Acts under the PNDC law of 1993 established the Ministry of Education?
ANSWER: Act 327.
25. A new examination called the National Standard Assessment Test (NSAT) shall be conducted at which level of education?
ANSWER: Primary 2, 4, 6, and JHS 2.
26. Students in SHS 1 shall continue to run the common core program for:
ANSWER: One (1) year.
27. With the new Educational Reforms outlined by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Council for Curriculum Assessment, WASSCE will be replaced by a:
ANSWER: University Entrance Examination.
28. Students after successful completion of SHS 3 will be awarded:
ANSWER: A diploma certificate instead of a WASSCE certificate.
29. Under the New Education Reforms, Kindergarten, primary school, JHS 1, 2, 3, and SHS 1 shall now be referred to as:
ANSWER: BS 7, 8, 9, and 10.
30. The Common Core Programme (CCP) comprises how many subjects?
ANSWER: Nine (9).
31. On the regional education office organogram, the drivers and security guards work under the:
ANSWER: Senior administrator assistant.
32. There are two (2) Deputies under the Director General within the GES organogram. We have the Deputy Director General Quality and Access and the Deputy Director General:
ANSWER: Management Services Human resource and finance.
33. The type of motivation which involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding rather than the desire for external reward is known as:
ANSWER: Intrinsic Motivation.
34. As of October 2020, the number of local administrative districts in Ghana was:
ANSWER: Twenty-one (21).
35. The agency of the Ministry of Education responsible for implementing periodic external evaluation of quality and standards in pre-tertiary education in Ghana is the:
ANSWER: National School Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA).
36. There are three main domains of educational objectives. These are cognitive, affective, and:
ANSWER: Psychomotor domain.
37. The abbreviation EMIS as used in the education sector stands for:
ANSWER: Education Management Information System (EMIS).
38. Paperless filing system means making use of:
ANSWER: Minimal paper-based processes.
39. When a teacher encourages a student to support another student, it is a teaching strategy known as:
ANSWER: Peer teaching.
40. The five principles of Leadership for Learning (LFL) are a focus on learning, learning dialogue, shared leadership, and:
ANSWER: Shared accountability.
41. In order for all students to move easily around the classroom, a teacher can build:
ANSWER: A solid relationship with learners.
42. Complete the mission statement of GES: To ensure that all Ghanaian children of school-going age are provided with inclusive and equitable formal education and training.
ANSWER: Quality.
43. The highest rank on the Ghana Education Service (GES) scheme of Service is known as:
ANSWER: The Director General.
44. The Complementary Basic Education (CBE) programme is targeted at which group of learners?
ANSWER: Out of School Children between the ages of 8 to 14 from some of the poorest areas of the country.
45. In the implementation of the School Performance Improvement Plan (SPIP), the Metropolitan Municipal/District Directorate of Education is responsible mainly for:
ANSWER: Budgeting and disbursement.
46. The highest decision-making body of the GES is:
ANSWER: GES Council.
47. The National Teaching Council was established under the education act:
ANSWER: 778 OF 2008.
48. The District Education Oversight Committees (DEOC) were established under the:
ANSWER: Ghana Education Service Act (Act 506 of 1995). The District Teacher Support Teams (DTSTs) is a team of subject specialists that promotes education at the:
ANSWER: District Level.
49. The Ghana Education Trust Fund was established on 25th August 2000 by the Ghana Education Trust Fund Act:
ANSWER: Act 581 of 2000.
50. Who chairs the District Education Oversight Committee (DEOC) meeting?
ANSWER: The Metro/Municipal/District Chief Executive.
51. The Ghana Education Service was established by the Ghana Education Service Act 1995.
ANSWER: Act 506.
52. Which of the following subjects is not part of the list of subjects to be studied under the Common Core programme for Junior and Senior High Schools in Ghana?
ANSWER: History.
53. How many core competencies are contained in the standard-based curriculum for basic schools?
ANSWER: Six (6) key competencies.
54. The current Deputy Director General of the Ghana Education Service in charge of Quality and Access is known as:
ANSWER: Kwabena Bempah Tandoh.
55. Supervision of teaching mainly ensures:
ANSWER: Quality delivery of the curriculum.
56. Management is commonly defined as:
ANSWER: Knowing what is produced and what should have been produced.
57. Which of the following types of Achievement Test items can best be used to measure higher-order cognitive skills?
ANSWER: Essay.
58. A question which asks learners to “Restate a concept in their own words” is an example of a test question frame.
ANSWER: Comprehension.
59. A question which asks learners to infer in a concept is an example of a:
ANSWER: Synthesis test question frame.
60. What is the full name of EMIS?
ANSWER: Education Management Information System.
61. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 target states that by 2030, all boys and girls will have access to free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. (True/False)
62. A school can directly improve the academic performance of students by improving teachers’ note-taking skills. (True/False)
63. One of the major quality assurance issues confronting heads of public senior high schools is the encroachment on school lands by the local chief and other people. (True/False)
64. The school timetable brings together subjects, teachers, classes, rooms, and school equipment in the best possible permutations. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
65. The goal of the education sector is in accordance with the education act 778. (True/False)
66. The overall goal of the Ministry of Education is to provide relevant and quality education for some Ghanaians. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
67. The goal of the education sector is in accordance with the education Act 778. (True/False)
68. The guiding principle of guidance and counseling is that optimum emotional and psychosocial wellbeing of the learner is a determining factor for effective learning. (True/False)
69. Outstanding teachers may be selected for awards by school improvement and support officers, pupils/students, heads of institutions, and colleagues. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
70. The quality of teaching is determined by the total number of pupils in a class. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
71. The closing of schools, universities, and colleges as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak disturbed teaching for students around the world but could not affect education in any way as teaching and learning still go on. (True/False)
72. Equity, inclusion, gender, and teacher’s are cross-cutting issues in education. (True/False)
73. Basic education is designed for all Ghanaian children from age four (4) to fifteen (15) within a period of eleven (11) years. (True/False)
74. Creativity and innovation (CI) skills enable learners to develop their cognitive and reasoning abilities to analyze issues and situations leading to the resolution of problems. (True/False)
75. An important strategy that will help you as a teacher to introduce your topic is to anticipate students’ questions. (True/False)
76. Summative assessment can take the form of progress review meetings between the teacher and student at various points in the term. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
77. Strategies such as writing detailed test questions or prompts, including clear directions and establishing and communicating clear grading criteria, will increase test reliability. (True/False)
78. Two key characteristics of any form of assessment are validity and reliability. Another way to think of reliability is in terms of replicability. (True/False)
79. Student performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amounts of time to the needed content rather than just teaching content. (True/False)
80. In Ghana, financial accountability is one of the major responsibilities of the heads of schools. (True/False)
81. Procrastination is a productive behavior pattern that causes you to enhance your own job efficiency because you focus on tasks that aren’t priorities for the day or week. (True/False)
82. The Scheme of Service of teachers refers to:
ANSWER Various ranks a teacher passes through in the teaching profession.
83. Which of the following is a teacher-centered model that focuses on students’ activities being guided by the teacher?
ANSWER: Directive Model.
84. Any method of teaching which involves two or more students can be termed as:
ANSWER: Group task.
85. Evidence of a positive school ethos includes consistent shared values and standards. (True/False)
86. It is important for School Improvement Supporting Officers (SISO) to keep their teachers’ lesson plan notebooks. (True/False)
ANSWER: False.
87. The GALOP (Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcome Project) is a:
ANSWER: Five (5) year project.
88. The objectives of the implementation of GALOP (Ghana Accountability For Learning Outcome Project) are to improve the quality of education in low-performing Basic Education Schools.
89. What article in the 1992 Constitution enjoins the government to provide education?
ANSWER: Article 38.
90. By the dictates of the 1992 Constitution, it is whose responsibility to provide education?
ANSWER: Government.
91. What ministry has the mandate to execute the policies of Education?
Answer: Ministry of Education.
92. The selection of the Minister of Education is by what means?
Answer: Political appointment.
93. Who was the Minister of Education from 2017 to 2020?
Answer: Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh.
94. Who is the current Minister of Education in Ghana?
Answer: Dr. Yaw Adu Twum.
95. What is the name of the council tasked to oversee the conduct of Education?
Answer: Ghana Education Service Council.
96. Currently, who is the chairman of the GES Council?
Answer: Mr. Michael Nsowah.
97. In composing the GES Council, which of the genders is categorically stated for inclusion?
Answer: Women.
98. After serving the first term of their appointment, how many years can the members of the GES Council serve?
Answer: Another three (3) years.
99. What Act of Parliament established the GES Council?
Answer: Act 506.
100. In what year was Act 506 enacted?
Answer: 1995.
101. Before teachers are listed in the records of the Service, what should they possess?
Answer: Registered number.
102. How many educationists’ representatives are members of the GES Council?
Answer: Two (2).
103. In consultation with what council are the members of the GES Council appointed?
Answer: Council of State.
104. By what means should a member of the GES Council resign?
Answer: Write a resignation letter to the president through the Minister.
105. During meetings of the Ghana Education Service (GES) Council, what number forms the quorum?
Answer: Seven (7) including the Director General.
106. What is the minimum rank from which a person could be selected to represent the Public Service Commission on the GES Council?
Answer: Director.
107. How many representatives of the Christian groups are presented on the GES Council?
Answer: Two (2).
108. From what document are the terms and conditions of the Director General usually provided?
Answer: The appointment Letter.
109. The Report Card serves as the medium of communication between the school and the parents, to let the parents know how their wards fared in school during the term.
110. The Logo of Free (SHS) is in three (3) colors, namely:
Answer: Red, Gold, and Green.
111. The Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETfund) is a public trust set up by an Act of Parliament on the:
Answer: 25th August 2000.
112. One of the first ways in which an infant initiates social interaction is called:
Answer: Gesturing.
113. In which year did the school feeding program start?
Answer: 2005.
114. The global best teacher award 2021 was won by:
Answer: Keishia Thorpe.
115. The prize award given to the global best teacher 2021 amounted to:
Answer: 1 million Dollars.
116. The global best teacher 2021 comes from which country?
Answer: United States of America (USA).
117. The 2021 best teacher award in Ghana was won by:
Answer: Ebenezer Kojo Otoo.
118. The best teacher in Ghana teaches in which school?
Answer: Winneba Senior High School (SHS) in the Efutu Municipality of the Central Region.
119. What is the primary product that Zipline delivers to its customers?
Answer: Blood.
120. The global best teacher award 2020 was won by:
Answer: Ranjitsinh Disale.
121. The prize award given to the global best teacher 2020 amounted to:
Answer: 1 million Dollars.
122. The global best teacher 2020 comes from which country?
Answer: India.
123. The Ghana teacher prize award 2020 was won by:
Answer: Mr. Eric Asomani.
124. The best teacher in Ghana 2020 teaches in which school?
Answer: Naylor Seventh Day Adventist School at Tema Community Six (6) in the Greater Accra Region.
125. What is the Full name of (GALOP)?
Answer: Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcome Project.
126. The total amount the government of Ghana injected into the GALOP initiative amounted to:
Answer: 218.7 million Dollars.
127. The (GALOP) project was funded by which organization?
Answer: World Bank Department for International Development (DfID).
128. The GALOP initiative is a:
Answer: Five (5) year project.
129. The main objective of the (GALOP) Ghana Accountability For Learning Outcome Project is to:
Answer: Improve the quality of education in low-performing Basic Education Schools and strengthen education sector equity and accountability in Ghana.
130. The GALOP project is targeted at the:
Answer: 10,000 least performing Basic Schools (Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior High Schools) across the country as well as all special schools with direct intervention.
131. What is the full name of CSSPS?
Answer: Computerized School Selection Placement System.